- How many JCPenney Rewards worth ten dollars can I rack up?
There is no such thing as a maximum amount of JCPenney Rewards worth ten dollars that may be accumulated. Once a Member has accumulated 200 loyalty points in their Programme account, they will immediately receive a $10 JCPenney Reward certification (referred to as the “Reward”), which may be redeemed on eligible JCPenney purchases (with some exceptions and limits; for further information, please refer to the “Reward”). Additionally, 200 points will be taken from the Member’s Program account on the same day.
The maximum amount of credits that you are eligible to get in one transaction is 2,000 points (referred to as the “Point Maximum”), and this is the case regardless of the value of the purchase that qualifies for the points.
- When will my points become invalid?
The points you have earned will remain valid for as long as your Program account remains “active.” When you are “active,” it indicates that you have earned points for a purchase that meets the requirements at least once per year.
- When will my Rewards become invalid?
A minimum of forty-five days will pass before the rewards end. It is imperative that rewards be used prior to the expiry date that is specified on each reward, which is 11:59 p.m. Central Time (CT), or else they will be forfeited. On every reward, the date of expiry is clearly displayed. Make use of them; don’t lose them!
- What steps should I take to ensure that I never miss an email from JCPenney Rewards?
Whether you have a valid email address associated with your jcp.com/rewards account, you should get a confirmation message from JCPenney Rewards within a week after earning points and/or obtaining a $10 Reward. This is the case whether you have earned points or received a reward. There will be more emails that will inform you of the current point total as well as the amount of $10 Rewards vouchers you have.
Please check that you have entered the right email address in the “Profile Settings” section of your JCP account, which can be found at www.jcp.com/rewards, if you are not getting these emails.